Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How to Show Respect

Here is the assignment...How would someone show respect in a class room (online/in-person or both)? you could also discuss how a person could be disrespectful.

Most people I believe would say that the corner stone of showing respect in the classroom, or any situation, is to follow the "Golden Rule", treat others the way you want to be treated.
I myself felt the same, until I was taught the "Platinum Rule", being, to treat others the way they want to be treated.
We all come from different places. Different backgrounds, education, social settings; so naturally we will have different view points, opinions and ways of expressing those opinions. Respect is shown not only by providing others the opportunity to express and explain their ideas, thoughts or questions. It is also shown by expressing your own in a way that allows others to understand your point of view without making them feel uncomfortable in anyway.
Naturally, because of the simple fact that we are all different we will not always agree. What shows respect to us as individuals will most likely differ.
The same goes for disrespect. Disrespect can come in the form of attitude, the use of language - offensive or even just a language barrier. Even attacking others because of their opinions or beliefs.
Now, first, this only the begining of my writing...not really sure what else I want to add at this point or how I want to go about continuing...but I WILL finish it..soon!

It is official...sort of

So, my parents after 27 years of marriage are getting a divorce. This really comes as no surprise...they have been separated since last February. But for some reason, it is still really hard to deal with at the moment.

Maybe it is because of all my wishful thinking, you know, that no matter what they would work things out - maybe it is just the natural reaction. I don't know. But this morning my mother told me that my father was going to sign the papers today, I wanted to break down and cry but I know she feels bad enough as it is already, she thinks that she is ruining our lives, I could not force her to watch me cry.

I am an adult for crying out loud, and this is life! Not always the most pleasant of situations, but inevitably, it will move on.

I honestly don't know how I should be reacting at this point, without feeling selfish anyway.

My heart aches for my father at this point, my two younger brothers live with my mother and my father is left all alone, probably something that he enjoys to a point, but I would imagine empty none the less. Sometimes I feel like I need to pick up the pieces - I feel like I need to hold everything together, but I don't really know how to do that anymore. I used to be so great at it, and if I am no longer holding everything together, where do I fit in with my family now.

People always say that "growing up" isn't easy, but I always expected it to be the responsibilities that got to me, but really it has nothing to do with responsibilities...it is more the letting go of the "life" I was used to.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If I could be like that...

So, I was reading another blog...that of a young mother just like myself but basically from a totally different world.

She is from the Mid-West/South, I am from Upstate NY. Her child is 13 months, mine 29 months. I have a full time job, she is a SAHM. Her significant other is a full time student with a part time job, mine is a full time machine operator. They make a combine income of $10,000 we make $70,000 (give or take a little).

My bills...always late, always stressful, I rent an apartment, have a car that does not work and pay insurance for it to sit on the side of the road because I cannot afford to fix it. Her, the bills are always paid on time, she owns her own home, drives a nice car.

I would imagine that she is a little more frugal than myself, probably not by choice, but more frugal none the less.

But it makes me wonder, why on earth am I not able to do the same as she does and still manage to be happy? I swear, maybe it is the location that I live in (mostly upper middle class and above), but I COULD NOT DO IT.

I would not be able to live with no money - I don't have it as it is, so to take what I have and then cut it down to 1/10th of that - I have no idea how I would do it!

On the other hand, sometimes I wish I could! I wish that I didn't have to work full time and that somehow I would be able to manage everything!

I sometimes wish that I took many things into consideration when I was pregnant that truly never crossed me mind...I did not breastfeed, I used disposable diapers, wipes, bottle liners...so, while her child (only speaking in terms on cost to raise) cost basically nothing, mine has been costing me about 35-45 a week, not including babysitter, clothes, toys, treats and basically anything other than standard needs for survival.

We have been TTC #2 as I previously mentioned, I think that this time around, I will really take into consideration those things...I just wish (obviously, I should have before hand but never thought to much about it) that there are DIFFERENT ways to raise you child...you know what I mean? Other than the way that you had been? I am not complaining about the way that I was raised, I personally feel that my mother did an amazing job with raising her children... I am not knocking that at all...but after so many years of taking everything for granted because I never had to go without (I never saw how much my mother was going without to make sure that I did not have to)...now that I am "growing up" I no longer want to take these things for granted...so maybe someday Dylan will be able to say that he never had to go without and at the same time, I can finally for once in my life...learn what it is like to go without something...I need to learn how to be frugal...struggle a little...to change my ways, even it it is just a little!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Oh How I Hate the Color Green...

Because that would be the color of envy which is taking over my life!

Is the entire world pregnant? I think that other than me...they may just very well might be!

As previously mentioned the small number of females in my life are all pretty much pregnant. One of my closest friends found out this morning that she is having twins....I want multiples more than pretty much anything that I can think of....I should be very happy for her right now, but I am not...instead I am feeling sorry for myself.

Hopefully as the day goes on my overwhelming feeling of jealously will diminish but right now that ugly green monster is consuming me!

I wish I knew of a way other than fertility drugs to give me what I want...I know that is wishful thinking but right now I think that wishful thinking is EXACTLY what I need in my life.

We were going to go to the drive in's tonight - because we can take Dylan with us and I want to see the new Bourne Ulti. but I am thinking that instead I will maybe ask my mother to watch him and give me a break I have been stressed out lately and my green friend is really not helping!

It's all a lie!

So, the test that I took turned out to be false - no baby - Yet!

I am actually kind of happy that it did not happen quite yet - I am going away for a family get together with a bunch of family that I have not seen in a while - it is going to be nice to be able to party it up with all of them.

This month however, hopefully will be my month - I am not all that fond of being pregnant during the summer - I had the worst morning sickness with Dylan that if I get it again and it is 90 degrees and humid I don't know if I would survive. Now I am off to figure out when the best time this month will be to actually conceive but wanted to leave a quick update.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I could Cry........

I am so upset right now.

So, as previously mentioned my "friend" has been wacky yet again - this time rather than showing up every two weeks for no reason what so ever - she only showed up for one day...I got VERY excited, since we have been trying I was thinking that this was it...I took an HPT yesterday the test came back with a positive but faint - I took another this morning, same thing.

I wasn't sure if it was accurate or not so I wanted to take another test before calling my Dr.c office - I took a digital test today - those you cannot mistake...and guess what it said "Not Pregnant" - I guess there is no misunderstanding there.

I knew that I should not get my hopes up, but wow am I upset and disappointed! I really feel like going home to cry! Stupid me couldn't wait to check again so I did so at work and now I am stuck here! Damnit!!!

Still, that does not help explain what the problem is with me - I still have no friend, I am late so testing should tell me if that is what the case is! I wish I knew what the hell was wrong with me so that I could get this situation under control - I have been a mess for 3 or 4 months now! I am really starting to get annoyed and angry!

Well, I have to go and find something to keep me busy so my head does not explode!