Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I could Cry........

I am so upset right now.

So, as previously mentioned my "friend" has been wacky yet again - this time rather than showing up every two weeks for no reason what so ever - she only showed up for one day...I got VERY excited, since we have been trying I was thinking that this was it...I took an HPT yesterday the test came back with a positive but faint - I took another this morning, same thing.

I wasn't sure if it was accurate or not so I wanted to take another test before calling my Dr.c office - I took a digital test today - those you cannot mistake...and guess what it said "Not Pregnant" - I guess there is no misunderstanding there.

I knew that I should not get my hopes up, but wow am I upset and disappointed! I really feel like going home to cry! Stupid me couldn't wait to check again so I did so at work and now I am stuck here! Damnit!!!

Still, that does not help explain what the problem is with me - I still have no friend, I am late so testing should tell me if that is what the case is! I wish I knew what the hell was wrong with me so that I could get this situation under control - I have been a mess for 3 or 4 months now! I am really starting to get annoyed and angry!

Well, I have to go and find something to keep me busy so my head does not explode!

1 comment:

Cerulean Bill said...

Good idea. Exploding heads tend to be messy, and hardly ever go back together the same way..