Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't Touch Me!

Yes...that would be the latest and greatest from Dylan... he is so, cute!

So, here is a day worth of Dylan comments...

It all started this morning, when Dylan wakes up, he likes to spend close to at least the first half hour in his room, playing with his toys, is strange for a 2 year old, but he does...Terry went into his room to get a kiss before he left for work - Dylan plays this game where when you ask for him a kiss or a hug he says "Noooooooo" as he begins to laugh uncontrolably, it's hysterical. Anyway, he says no and Terry says yes and they go back and forth a few times and Terry gives him a kiss...Dylan says "get offa me!" Terry and I both walked away trying not to laugh but couldn't help ourselves.

Then, after work Dylan and I walked home from the babysitters house, he rode his bike while I pushed the stroller full of crap along side of him, now, a walk that should have taken at the most 15 minutes took 45...but he was being good, just taking his sweet time stopping every few feet or so to play around. We walk by a house that has a small flag of a kitten with a halloween get up on, he stops dead in his tracks promptly gets off of his bike and runs to the flag, he starts petting it as if it is a real cat and then looks at me and says "The kitty feel better?" then he leans down, kisses the kitten on the flag and then looks up at me again and says "The kitty feel better!" runs back to his bike gets back and and starts heading down the street. Oh this kid kills me!

We get half way to our house, there is a park along the way that Dylan has to stop at and get a drink of water out of the fountain, even when he is holding water in his hand while doing so - so he runs to the water fountain gets his drink, then gets right back on his bike and starts heading home - he reach the road and he says "Be bery careful, da cars are comin!"

Finally, we reach our house, I open the back gate into the yard - I put the bike into the yard and all of our bags, then he tells me that he wants to go ride his bike...but there is one problem, he wants to ride the bike that is in the Terry had the keys and obviously not home...he was pissed! I told him that we couldn't go to the garage because it is locked, he said, get the keys, I told him "Daddy has them" and he screams at me "Find um!"

I attempt to "trick" him into the yard - I tell him that he has to come with me into the house and help me find them...he replies with "I!" I start to walk over to him, and hold him by he arm...he yells "Don'!"


He is his mothers son!

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