Friday, September 21, 2007

It been some time huh?

I have been so super busy, yet I still feel like I have accomplished ZERO!

I am taking 4 online classes right now, so that is taking all of my non-existent free time, well, that plus working and of course Dylan, I don't think that I have had a second to breath!

I had today off from work because Darcy (the babysitter) had to go out of town to visit her father. I CLEANED my kitchen, scrubben the walls, doors, stove, washed the floor - it was such a mess, and I despise cleaning - of course, it still has to be done, and I don't think that any random stranger off the road is going to knock on my door and beg to do it for me...I am sure there is a god, but I damn well he isn't that cool!!

I still hate my job, I have been looking for something different, but I am being rather picky, I mean, I already hate my job, so why just go and take another one that I hate...I don't really even know what I want to do, I just know that the farther away from a phone..the better - I grow to hate people more and more on a daily basis listening to their constent whining about things that don't anyone, yet they want to make it the end of the world.

Seriously, if I have to hear someone complain about us having the nerve to charge them a $1 late fee because it is now September and they haven't paid their bill from May...give me a frekin break - call Capital One and see if your whining will get them to remove the "finance chage" - I don't want to hear it, when you have a real problem and are not a total asshole because you can't seem to figure out your bill that a 9 year old would understand and cry to me that you charge your clients $300 an hour and who us going to pay for the time you have wasted on the phone trying to figure it out - stop being cheap hire an accountant to figure it out for you!

Dylan has been impossible latley, he has been so dramatic about everything, some nights I feel as if I am going to go over the deep end, Terry is usually no help when it comes to controlling him when it comes to tantrums, sometimes I just want to scream, other times I can't help it anymore and I yell.

He gets this look on his face and in the most pitiful voice says "sorry mommy" and I instantly feel like a piece of shit for losing my cool. He goes into these insane tantrums - with fits of rage like a grown man, I am so partly to blame for the temper but WOW is it draining!

Everytime I go into the store he wants to go with me (I don't mean when we are together alone because then obviously he would be going in with me) but when Terry & I are going somewhere and I run into the store to grab some drinks, he wants to go...he says "I go too Mommy" - which would be fine...but it is always a mission...first, there is always something in the truck that he needs or wants first before we can even get out, then he typically takes his shoes off as soon as he hits the car seat, so we have to put them back on...because he HAS to walk, then we go into the store and he has a routine - he goes straight for the ATM machine and hits the buttons like a mad man while I look like the insane mother trying to get him away from him, I attempt to calmy take his hand and direct him in the direction of whatever it is we went in there for, so, we start to take the 15 foot walk from the door to the cooler with the drinks, along the way - he MUST stop at the cat food and talk to the "babies" on the box, then he has to try and get Cereal, always Lucky Charms because he wants the "mar-mellows" and I have to then try to get him to keep moving, he usually then starts to grab whatever is in reach on whatever shelf he can get his little paws onto - then he wants a drink so we go to the milk cooler because he wants strawberry milk, then he wants white milk, then he wants gatorade, then he wants water - then he has to pick out 6 different kinds of water - then he wants ice cream, no matter what time of the day it is, he wants ice cream - it is rediclious!

It is so cute though, the way that he will put whatever it is that I have given in to get him onto the counter to pay for it, then he has to talk to everyone that works there - one of the girls that used to work there, he would run right behind the counter to see her, we obviously go there way to much, but it is 2 blocks away from my house, I can see clearly the goings on in the parking lot from almost every window on one side of my house - so it is very convenient and I go there all of the time!!

He is so damn independent, he NEEDS to be able to do everything for himself, sometimes I wonder if he understands that he is 2 not 22, I feel like he is growing up to fast, sometimes I wish that I could just stop him, obviously I know that I can't but it would be nice!!

Well, that is enough venting for one night...of to read others!!

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