Friday, June 29, 2007

It's Finally Friday....

Finally! This has felt like the longest week of my life!

Good friend Dan that was in the hospital is going to be on his way home today...always a good sign!

I think that Terry & I may be going out to dinner tonight, that would be nice, it feels like it has been forever since the last time we went out to dinner or something like that! Still waiting on the TTC front, I should be able to test in about a week or so...I really want to like everyday but I will drive myself crazy in the end!!! LOL...So, I am trying to be patient! I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it all the way until the end of next week...but I will try!

We were talking about names that we would use if/when we do have another baby...for Girls I like Hailey and Madison (I love Mackenzie but that is our friends little girls name so I can't use it) and for Boys I like Hayden, Payton and Kyle. We are hoping for a girl...but again, I would be more than happy for a boy (I love my little man!!).

Well, July is almost upon is always such a busy month for me...the 4th of July, my Mom's Birthday and Terry's Birthday is July 27th and my little brother Joel's Birthday is the 31st. I will finally be getting my vacation the end of July...I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it that long! We are not going anywhere but I do not have to be at work so I really do not care!

I honestly hate my job - I am a Senior Customer Relations Specialist at a publishing company (fancy words for Customer Service Rep) and I am BORED! I need something new...that is why I am going back to school for the fall semester and will hopefully be able to start my own real estate firm in the next few years...that is what I really want to be doing, that or anything that involves a business of my far that is really the only thing that I think I may want to do and the idea has been popping into my head for about 4 years now so I figured that I should actually act upon it! Since, it is obviously something that I really want to do!

Hopefully, within the next week I will have all of my financial aid stuff taken care of (you really do not appreciate the bull sh*t your parents go through to get your butt into College the first time around...not until you have to go through it all again...YOURSELF!)

I know that my mother obviously would have helped me with all of the paperwork she has done twice before (once for me and again for one of my brothers) but I figured that it would be a good learning experience to do it my damn self (that and the fact that I am an adult so I should probably just suck it up!!!)

Well, I must be going for now...I am off to look for info about when I should send my son to the dentist for the first time!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

So How about that RAIN!

Wow! Did it ever rain yesterday! I thought for sure that the big tree in my back yard was coming down (THANK GOD IT DIDN'T) it would have landed right on my house and that would have been such a mess! Shannon would not have been a happy camper this morning!

We were supposed to go to a baseball game last night - local farm team, but of course it was rained out! I didn't really care all that much about the game but they were going to have fire works and I love fire works so I was a little disappointed! Dylan would have love them! But hey, the 4th of July is coming in a few days so we will get to see them.

I am not really sure what to do for the 4th of July. Usually, we go down Terry & I to watch the fire works and the last two years we have obviously brought Dylan with us, but this year my parents are separated, so unlike in years past they will probably not be going with one another this year. I feel like I should be spending the day with them in some way...but do I invite them along? Do we all go somewhere together? I am just really not sure how I should be handling this.

I am thinking that we can probably see them over the Capital perfectly at the park down the street because we usually have a pretty good look at the sky line from down there...and it is supposed to rain, maybe we can all just go there and watch - that way Dylan can run around (it is just an open field type park, not one with swings and slides and all of that other stuff). It is close for all of us and we can basically all walk home (my mom would have to drive but it is less than a mile) and we would be able to avoid to crazy traffic - maybe I will mention it later to Terry. I will have to go down there later and make sure that I am correct about seeing a good view of the sky line because if there is a good view then we will have no problems seeing the fireworks.

Terry & I have been trying to have another baby - I hate waiting! I wish you could find out right away, and seriously, you really only have to wait two weeks or so, but it feels like a lifetime! I am a very impatient person most of the time, waiting drives me crazy!

Hopefully, within the next few weeks we will know if we have another baby on the way or if we need to keep trying...I hope we have another on the way. We are both hoping to have a girl next, but I will be happy either way!

Well, I should probably get some work done.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Dinning Set!

So, I had a pretty uneventful evening which is always nice! I got home and Terry already had dinner almost done - that was a nice change of pace! I love summer when you can BBQ because it means that not everything is left for me to do.

He thinks that I need to do all of the cooking, which I don't mind because I actually like cooking but sometimes I just have so much other stuff to do that it just sucks! But, he loves to BBQ so when it is nice out I get a little break!

I got my new dinning room set last night, one of the tall tables that is a perfect square rather than the normal rectangle kind with eight charis two on each side. I love it! We have most of it put together but have to finish putting the chairs together tonight.

We got some yard work done, Dylan was helping me water the plants he was having a blast. Then a fire truck parked outside of my house while they were waiting for another one to get into the garage (the Fire Station is about 1/2 a block away from my house) the firemen inside the truck saw him staring in amazement and got out and were showing him all of the stuff on the truck! He was so excited and wanted to get in but he was playing with the sprinkler and was soaked so he didn't go in (which is fine with me because I would have NEVER gotten him back out of the truck!!)

Today, I have really no plans except for the fact that I need to clean my house - it hasn't had a good cleaning in weeks because we have been so busy, just picking up every day does not cut it with a toddler running around.

Well, I should actually get something accomplished today before it is unbearable outside.

I shall return with more updates!

Monday, June 25, 2007


It is Monday...a day that I never look forward to!

I have most of my student loan stuff taken care of I am just waiting on a letter from the previous college that I attended so that I can finish up everything with the one that I am going to be attending. Hopefully, I will have that letter by Thursday at the latest and I can fax it right over to them. Then I will be able to get my award letter and meet with an advisor to pick out the classes that I will be taking my first semester back.

Once I have the classes picked out I can fill out all of the tuition reimbursement forms from my work so that once the semester is over they can give me my money back!

I am going to be taking online classes through a local community college since I am changing my major from Drug and Alcohol Counseling to Business Marketing so I need to get a new laptop or I am going to fail miserably before I even start! LOL

We took Dylan out on his new dirt bike this weekend, it amazes me how well he does on it! It is so cute, it has training wheels, all of the other little boys that were around were so fascinated by him riding it (he is only 2 1/2) out riding a real dirt bike! You can make the speed slower for children just learning how to ride so we currently have it about the speed of his power wheels motorcycle but this thing should last him until he is about 6 - so, my brother and Terry really wanted to get Dylan into it - he loves riding bikes and things like that so it really is the perfect activity for him.

I think that most parents would get nervous about their children riding toys like this, I on the other hand do not feel all that nervous, it probably has to do with growing up with 3 brothers - they have already done everything that you could think of so I guess in a way I am used to all of this kind of stuff which makes it easier on me as a mother to allow him to ride on toys like this - as long as it is done safely with the proper equipment- he looks so cute in his helmet with the gloves and everything else! It cracks me up! I am going to have to add pictures or something somewhere for everyone to see!

Well, I should probably get back to work for a little while. I will be back later with some more updates!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Finally, It is almost over!

It is Friday (thank you!!!) and it is 4:30, I have half an hour left in this place before I can finally leave! I feel like I wish my life away...always wishing for the minutes to go faster so the hours go faster so the days go faster so I can make it to Friday afternoon and Finally have 2 days to myself!

Granted, it could be a lot worse, but none the less I still feel stuck in this dreaded routine!

I hate having to work full time when I would so much rather be at home with my son, doing to most important job I will ever face in my lifetime...being Mommy!

Dylan, really is the light of my life! My reason for waking up in the morning, my reason for being. Although, I got pregnant by mistake...the "biggest mistake" of my life turned out to be the greatest gift I could ever have.

Looking back, I can't imagine how my life would be without him. Would I have come this far already? Would Terry & I still be together? Would we have been strong enough to make it through the bad times if we did not have him as the "glue" that kept us together.

While no child should ever be the reason that people stay together I feel that they can certainly give you a reason to give it a shot and keep trying!

My love for him will never fade and grows stronger with each passing moment. I truly never thought that I could ever love anyone as much as I love him. I guess you never truly understand until you have the opportunity to just sit and watch him sleep.

I can watch him sleep for hours, he looks so peaceful almost as if he was a doll. His chest slowly moving up and down with each breath, the twitches he makes while having a dream, and how he will suddenly just grad a hold of your finger almost feeling as if he was holding on for dear life just knowing that you will still be there when he wakes up.

It is the most peaceful experience I think I will ever have in my lifetime. Just being able to experience it...just once...feels like the greatest gift of all.

So, as much as I hate sitting at work all day long, I live for the moment I am able to go home and hold my baby, knowing that my day although not spent doing what I would rather do...was still a day well spent because it allows me to provide to him everything that he needs and deserves.

So, I am going to finish up and go home to my baby!

Good night all!


So, Terry & I have been talking about having another baby. I do want more children and think that they should be fairly close in age, if we started trying now (which we are) then Dylan would be 3 before the next baby would arrive.

We just started trying, and it feels like everyone around me is pregnant and I am starting to get a little jealous. I know I will be in time, but it just does not feel fair that those that are not trying are! I can only imagine how people who try for years with no success feel!

A friend of mine is now pregnant, 5 weeks, she already has a baby book that she is filling out. While I think that a baby book is VERY IMPORTANT, she just found out last week (a week ago yesterday) and has had the baby book since Monday, I feel that is a little, well, unnecessary.

But, I know she is excited so I will bite my tongue! LOL

Another friend of mine, his wife is pregnant...they have 3 already (she has 2 and he has 1 from previous relationships) but this is their first together, while they are very excited they are keeping it to themselves for the time being, which is how I would handle it - at least for a little while...maybe the difference is having kids already and being your first.

I don't remember acting all super insane when I was pregnant with Dylan, but my friend is slightly overweight so I think that because that throws her into a "high risk" category that she is more nervous...I don't know!

What I do know is...I am jealous of them all!!!!! LOL

My time will come...hopefully soon!

A little Shannon 411

Let's see!

I have a journal on OD but was introduced to the site by a friend, so I think that I am holding back.

I have been holding back on my true feelings, emotions, things like that because, well - I would just rather keep my "personal thoughts" personal - at least from those I have to see face to face on a daily basis.

Probably has more to do with the fact that as I write, I am still figuring things out - writing is HOW I figure them out!

So, the things that I say may not always be the nicest or most logical things that I would prefer people to hear from me.

I am 24 years old, have a 2 year old son, and have been with my boyfriend for about 7 years now.

As with any relationships we have our far share of bad times, the love is always there sometimes however, the overabundance of stress and frustration can sometimes take a toll and we can bicker and be pretty down right nasty to one another. We are a young couple with a young child so sometime things can feel...overwhelming, we keeping on working thorough them but I am not going to pretend that everything is always perfect and not a struggle somtimes.

I am very close with my family and my friends, I like to think that many of them are my reality check when I need it.

I have an associates degree in Drug and Alcohol counseling and am the adult child of an alcoholic. I am going back to school for Business Marketing and hope to open my own real estate firm someday.

Right now, I am taking it one day at a time.