Friday, June 22, 2007

A little Shannon 411

Let's see!

I have a journal on OD but was introduced to the site by a friend, so I think that I am holding back.

I have been holding back on my true feelings, emotions, things like that because, well - I would just rather keep my "personal thoughts" personal - at least from those I have to see face to face on a daily basis.

Probably has more to do with the fact that as I write, I am still figuring things out - writing is HOW I figure them out!

So, the things that I say may not always be the nicest or most logical things that I would prefer people to hear from me.

I am 24 years old, have a 2 year old son, and have been with my boyfriend for about 7 years now.

As with any relationships we have our far share of bad times, the love is always there sometimes however, the overabundance of stress and frustration can sometimes take a toll and we can bicker and be pretty down right nasty to one another. We are a young couple with a young child so sometime things can feel...overwhelming, we keeping on working thorough them but I am not going to pretend that everything is always perfect and not a struggle somtimes.

I am very close with my family and my friends, I like to think that many of them are my reality check when I need it.

I have an associates degree in Drug and Alcohol counseling and am the adult child of an alcoholic. I am going back to school for Business Marketing and hope to open my own real estate firm someday.

Right now, I am taking it one day at a time.

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