Tuesday, October 9, 2007

End of an Era?

I am not the biggest sports fan in the world. But I can still get into the excitment of it all.

With babseball, I am torn, I was born and partially raised in Maine, however mainly raised in New York, my mother Red Socks fan, my father Yankees (guess which one is from where!)

So basically, if either makes it for the season I can be happy, strange right, I think some would call me un-American because I just can't pick one or the other!! LOL

I can't help but be saddened by the latest Yankess news, not because they lost the series but because this may be the end of good o'l Joe Torre, it is hard to imagine the Yankess and Joe not going hand in hand.

I guess it is just yet another example of the great cycle of change we call life...sad none the less.

Regardless of what the future may hold for him, I hope he is happy, and also knows that regardless of how the season ended he is still an amazing man in the world of baseball coaching (honestly, the only baseball coach I know by name).

Joe...I applaud you for being a man of heart, determination and courage...please know that in the News Joe and the Yankess may not continue to go hand in hand - but in the hearts of fans to the game, at least of my generation, the two will always be a perfect match!

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