Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's Been A While...

So, I was off on vacation...I didn't go anywhere but home with my little man- it was great! A whole week just the two of us!

We are still TTC - my "friend" came in like clock work...but it only lasted one day - that was Friday, so I am going to buy a test on my way home...maybe this is our lucky month! Who knows, what I do know is that I am not going to get myself all worked up about it and then become disappointed when nothing happens...I will however be keeping my fingers crossed!

I got everything worked out with school, got my classes picked - I am waiting for a English class to open up a spot - one should open up at the end of the month when they purge everyone who did not pay their bill from the class lists! If not, there is always next semester so no big deal!

I am pretty busy at work right now since I am catching up from my week off...I will be back later!

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